Friday, July 18, 2008
6:16 PM
Sudden creation
Haha. Suddenly comes up with this melody and lyrics in mind. So, I decided to record it down. This time, it is just the vocal only, because it is the midnight so I can't play the piano and record down. So, if you're going to listen, go ahead =) Oh yea, this is just the chorus part.


词曲: Derick

每一次我在寻找 那份不确定的爱
总是孤单也寂寞 这一路多么遥远
这时的我在想念 过去和你的乐园
曾经手牵手 走过的 为何一眨眼就变不见


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Monday, July 14, 2008
2:45 PM
YEAH~ Just finished with this lyrics. And I kinda like it. Hope you guys will like it too =)


看这背影多么凄美 月光照亮她伤悲
步伐蹒跚还含着泪 孤孤单单的不停歇

走到尽头如此的黑 天不怜人我自悲
还是要从心里防备 不让任何难过躲在心扉

一起走过的路 回头也望不见 一路上铺满陷阱和危险
一起走过的路 恨回忆很不愿 一个人 一颗心 就这样 飞远

听着海风吹入心扉 空虚的心里传出心碎
曾经的承诺不知几回 每一次都让我很累

一起走过的路 回头也望不见 一路上铺满陷阱和危险
一起走过的路 恨回忆很不愿 一个人 一颗心 就这样 飞远

一起走过的路 不管有多么远 一路上拥有美好的从前
一起走过的路 不管是否想念 只要回忆留在我身边

P.s. I still dealing with the chords. Especially the chorus one. I have already melody in hand. Hope I will process this one soon. =)


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12:56 PM
These days, I am not feeling really good, both physically and mentally.

And that reflects in my blog and in my msn's personal message.

And I would like to thank for those who care of me(you know who you are). Really thanks =)

And yeah, I feel better when you guys asked me "are you okay?" Although I didn't mention in detail, still I appreciate it =)

Hope I can get through all these as soon as possible. I am really tired... =/


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12:44 PM
Sometimes, one can be really stupid that he is doing something that is just wasting his life and time and in the end, he get nothing. A pity one. Although he had a bad experience in the past but still he attempted the same thing and ended up with the same ending. He know how bad and sad he was last time but why can't he be aware this time and not to get himself involve in this stupid thing again?

Sometimes, he can't blame anyone but himself. There is no point to blame others because they never care. So, never believe that one will be guilty when one is blaming one. Well, it just making the whole thing getting worse.

Sometimes, one can be really blind. He always go for someone that is hard to be together and ignore those are already around him. Maybe, he would said that he likes to take challenges but in the end, he is the one regret of taking those challenges. And those who were around him are gone. =/

Sometimes, one is treating someone nice just because he feels like to do it. But, one won't like to be treated like nothing, especially from those who he really cares. Not necessary treat him really nice. What he want is just an acknowledge to his existence. No one would like the feeling of being isolated or being ignored. This is really hurting. =/

Sometimes, it will be better to let everything out of sight and be alone. At least, you won't be facing lot of problems. =)


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Monday, July 07, 2008
8:29 AM
Bad day gone!
Just back from the selection process.. I am totally exhausted now and feel bad.

I know I did really badly for this selection and I never going to dream that I will get this scholarship. Sigh~ The written test was okay. But for today, my speech was hard, and I think I get a bit off the topic and my speaking really bad. Then the group debate was fine, I enjoyed it.

Next was the interview... This is really bad bad bad. I thought I am going to enjoy it very much but maybe this is the first experience that being interviewed by 6 persons at a time. I get nervous. And my hearing really bad also. I can't really catch what they actually asking me. And when I answered, they were smiling, and I think I answered wrongly. Those questions really hard to answer and somehow, I can't even think of an answer to the question. Sigh~

Everything ends now. Well, time to catch the work and get as many A's as I can!!! =)


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Friday, July 04, 2008
6:20 PM
累了 我真的累了
多次迷了路 多次都忘了

哭了 睡前我哭了
一次又一次 让自己孤独




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